Thursday, September 19, 2024

One, Two, Three, Four – Ret!

To recap, the Gale Woods Farm linen flax retting process began on Friday, September 6. The following days were very active, and I waited to post about what had been happening until I could gather everything into one post. So here goes…

Image of two large vats with flax stalks soaking

Putting on My Citizen Scientist Cap 

I closely recorded the subsequent retting activity by recording temperatures and visually/physically inspecting the retting stalks daily. Here are the results:


Saturday, September 7, 2024, 1 PM (this was 24 hours after the stalks were put in the vats)

Air temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Greenhouse temperature: 96 degrees Fahrenheit.

I did not test the vat temperature that day, but both vats had significant biological action (bubbling). Look at the video below to see how active the bubbles are!


Sunday, September 8, 2024, 12:15 PM

Air temperature: 69 degrees Fahrenheit.

Greenhouse temperature: 96 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vat temperatures: 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

The vats are still actively bubbling and have a skim of what looks like an oily biological material.

Close-up image of vat water with bubbles and oily surface

I drained about half the water out of the vats and refilled them. I also opened the greenhouse walls for more ventilation since the weather forecast was for higher temperatures and direct sun for the next two days. 

Two ret vats with ret water draining out of one.


Monday, September 9, 2024, 3 PM

Air temperature: 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

Greenhouse temperature: 98 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vat temperatures: 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

The stalks are getting closer to being retted. Some of the surfaces of the stalks are starting to rub loose, although the stalks are still not breaking easily.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 3 PM

Air temperature: 76 degrees Fahrenheit.

Greenhouse temperature: 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vat temperatures: 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

(Out of curiosity, I tested the vats for their pH numbers to be sure they were holding a more acidic nature. The farm water tested at 8, which is slightly alkaline. The vats tested at 6, which is slightly acidic and close to the goal of 5.5. That was good news!)


I pulled out some stalks, and they showed signs of being retted (see the video below). When retted, the linen fibers pull loose from the stalk, and the woody matter (the "boon") drops off. The fibers we want to make linen thread are the thin ones you see in the video.

As a precaution, I pulled out a few more stalks to dry in the greenhouse overnight to test for their breakage the following day. To not over-ret the stalks in the vats, I drained the vats and let the stalks rest in the emptied vats just in case I needed to refill them in the morning to continue the retting process. (When the water is removed, the anaerobic bacteria dies, and the retting action stops. But when water is added again, the retting action continues.)

Flax stalks resting in empty vat

The Morning of Wednesday, September 11, 2024

To avoid hauling my flax brake to the farm, I used a rolling pin to test-break the dried stalks. I excitedly found that they were well-retted and ready to dry! 

Image of partially broken flax stalks next to a rolling pin.

I gently rinsed the stalks that had been resting overnight in the vats and laid them out to dry on the greenhouse racks.

Image of water spraying on flax lying in vat.

Wide image of greenhouse with three rows of drying flax resting on counters.

The biological processing is done!

The next day, I checked on the drying flax stalks and found a monarch butterfly flittering along the flax in the greenhouse, perhaps enjoying the residue from the biological processing!

Close-up of monarch butterfly on greenhouse floor.

Oh, but wait,… the crop was not entirely done! 

There were still 60 bundles of the flax crop that were saved for seed remaining to ret! 

Image of a long line of flax stalk bundles hanging to dry on a fence.

The farm staff tried to ripple (take off) the seeds of those stalks, although most of the seeds had fallen out of the capsules by the time they pulled them off the fence where they were drying. The conclusion was that drying stalks on a fence line to save for seed was not optimal. Either the stalks should have been left longer in the field to dry upright (although, due to bad weather, that couldn’t happen this year) or risk a lower seed yield and harvest and ripple all the seeds when the stalks were ready to be pulled for linen. The general conclusion was to, in the future, ripple all of them during the linen stalk harvest since the first rippling provided many viable seeds.


The staff put these last bundles in a single vat on Friday, September 13. What followed was a very warm weekend, so I visited the vat the next day to drain it halfway and refill it.

A vat containing the seed flax showing active bubbles

I didn’t bring my vat thermometer, although the vat was in an active bubbling state, and the stalks were not fully retted. Based on the experience of the previous vats, I took a chance that the stalks would not be retted in two days, so I didn’t check the vat the next day.


Monday, September 16, 2024, Noon

The last batch of stalks was fully retted! This was only three days into the vat soaking! But since the greenhouse temperature was quite warm during this period, in the lower nineties, I suspect the vat had moved along faster. I drained the vat, rinsed the stalks, and laid them out to dry. 

The seed flax resting on a greenhouse counter to dry

Some of the stalks in this last batch still had a green hue. That is a mystery. How could they still contain chlorophyll after all this time? I visited the farm a couple of days later when the flax was nearly fully dry, and the green hue had almost completely disappeared.


NOW, finally, the biological processing step is DONE for the entire crop! 

What an experience this has been! After all this dedicated care and time, it feels so great to have a successful crop. 

I want to acknowledge the Gale Woods Farm garden team for all their support this summer. A crop of this size needed a village to make it happen. My heartfelt thank you goes to Katie, Lydia, Lexied, Cat, Nadine, and especially Greg, the garden supervisor.


So, what’s next? 

I will mechanically process a few flax bundles before the farm’s Fall Fest, a public-invited, free event at Gale Woods Farm, on October 13. There, I plan to show examples of processed flax, from the stalk and biologically and mechanically processed fiber, to spun fiber. If my time permits, I may also have a woven linen piece from the handspun flax. I'll also demonstrate the mechanical processing steps during the event, so come and see that for yourself! Here’s a link to more Fall Fest information:


If you can’t attend the event, return here to see the mechanical processing steps, which I will post next.

I plan to keep this Summer of Linen Flax thread alive, at least through the next month or so and will see what the future holds for additional discoveries to share in this adventure with linen flax. Thanks for coming along with me this summer!




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